
Photos and Biographies > Mr Kwok Yam-shu, Oscar, PDSM

Mr Kwok Yam-shu, Oscar, PDSM

Mr Kwok Yam-shu, Oscar, PDSM

Deputy Commissioner of Police, Management, Hong Kong Police Force

Mr Oscar Kwok began his government service in 1987, first serving in Immigration Department, and later Civil Aviation Department. He joined the Hong Kong Police in 1990 as an Inspector, graduating top of his Intake with the three awards of Brian Slevin Trophy, Baton of Honour and the Commissioner’s Certificate of Academic Merit.

He spent the first part of his police career in criminal investigations, working his way up from Divisional Investigation Team, District Crime Squad, Regional Intelligence Unit, to Organised Crime and Triad Bureau. In the process, he gained a specialisation in organised crime and money laundering investigations, and rose to the rank of Superintendent in 2002. Following his promotion to Senior Superintendent, he became the Head of Foundation Training Centre of the Hong Kong Police College between 2007 and 2010, followed by a short stint as the District Commander Rail District. As a Chief Superintendent, he was the District Commander Central District between 2011 and 2013, and thereafter the Deputy Regional Commander Hong Kong Island. As an Assistant Commissioner, he has held the positions of Regional Commander Marine, Regional Commander Hong Kong Island, and Assistant Commissioner Service Quality. He became the Director of Management Services in July 2017 upon his promotion to Senior Assistant Commissioner. In March 2019, Mr Kwok assumed the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Management).

Mr Kowk has received training at various prestigious Mainland and overseas institutions, including the China Executive Leadership Academy in Pudong, Shanghai; Tsinghua University, Beijing; Chinese Academy of Governance, Beijing; Bramshill Police Staff College, UK; Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore; Harvard Kennedy School of Government; and Royal College of Defence Studies (RCDS), UK. For his exemplary contribution during his year at RCDS, Mr Kwok became the proud winner of two top awards, including the “AFCEA Award for Strategic Leadership” in competition with 90 international members from 45 countries. He now holds a Master’s degree in International Security and Strategy granted by King’s College London.